Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Where anything is growing, one former is worth a thousand re-formers. Horace Mann
The Bound Brook Board of Education is excited to announce in the 2012-2013 school year, Bound Brook High School students will participate in a one to one iPad program. Many of those who follow education have heard about all the educational changes: Common Core Curriculum Standards, individualized education, integration of technology, and the ongoing economic budget challenges. These challenges have made educators think outside the box for new ways to educate the next population of students, to integrate diverse sources of information and to create new understandings and innovations in education.
The Bound Brook School District realizes this new generation of students, the Millennials, are highly connected social and digital natives. The Millennials are the first generation of students who are naturally drawn to tweeting and texting, websites like Facebook, YouTube, Google and Wikipedia. Rather for them, these are not astonishing innovations of the digital era, but are everyday functions of their social lives and their search for understanding. If we are going to engage this population of 21st Century students in an exciting, challenging, vivid, and more rigorous manner, we need to change schools from boring places to total interactive places. As John Dewey stated in 1899, Schools inability to utilize the experiences students have outside of school inside of school, and to apply what is learned in school to daily life, is the great waste that comes from schools today.
To make this transition, the Bound Brook School District has developed a plan to change our teaching and learning process. The need to have information at the fingertips of students today is crucial to engage this generation. As stated by Dr. Gallagher, Principal of Bound Brook High School, We need to change our thinking about technology as a tool; rather it is a means to extend learning and access to education 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
For more information about this exciting program, please feel free to contact Dr. Daniel Gallagher, principal of Bound Brook High School at dgallagher@bbrook.org.

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