Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ipad One to One Site Visit

This past month we have had a lot of activity planning to move towards a one to one iPad platform. We started with a site visit to Monroe High School. Tom Goodall was generous enough to allow us to visit with him and his staff to talk about how they developed their implementation and plans for using one to one iPads. First off I would like to thank Tom and his staff for the information and have to say that new Monroe High School is absolutely beautiful!

On our site visit we had access to the following: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Director of Informational Technology, High School Principal, teachers and several students. A few of the first notable comments that were made during our time at Monroe was that the Principal has to drive the initiative, without the Principal being the driving force behind this type of change it will not be successful. The reasons for this comment was the fact that teaching practices and pedagogy must change in a one to one environment with the type of access students will have to information. Therefore, the Principal must instill in the staff the need to change some, not all, of the teaching methodology that is used in traditional classrooms.

One of the areas that Monroe did not have the luxury of having was time. They need to implement their program in four months from the time the Board of Education gave them an approval to purchase the equipment and move in this direction. With that said, the professional development with the staff was centered around the use of technology in the classroom and how to change staff teaching methodologies to make this a successful program. They did an intense professional development program in August to address the needs and concerns of the staff and students.

As we visited each classroom it was clearly evident that students are much more engaged in their own learning then a traditional classroom. The students explained to us how important it was to them to have these devices and tools in class. They demonstrated to us how they take notes on PFD handouts, PowerPoint’s, and general notes. They also explained how they loved to use the classroom wiki pages for discussions and exchanging information. Students articulated that this was a better way to learn and engage them in the classroom.

During our visit to the school, we had access to the entire building as we observed classes throughout the building we never observed a student with there head down or not engaged with an iPad or in a discussion! This is one of the main reasons for our school to be moving in this direction, we have too many students not engaging in their own learning.

As we reflected on our visit to Monroe we developed a plan to move forward on the following:

1.     Get our teaching staff iPad 2 in their hands now! Let them get comfortable with the technology and develop a list of apps for teachers and students for a September roll out.

2.     Develop a professional development schedule that works for us. The need to develop teacher leaders in the use of the iPad, technology instruction pedagogy, and best practices.

3.     Develop an imbedded structure of continuous improvement of curriculum.

4.     Implement online textbooks and materials for 24 hour access.

5.     Develop a list of online courses that can be use for a blended teaching environment.

6.     Develop a better system of teacher observation to ensure that teachers receive quality feedback and direction to assist them with changing the classroom environment.

I will continue to blog more frequently as we move forward with the implementation and teaching practices to share our experiences with the community, parents, teachers, students, and the educational community.

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